
Tube Gauze

Handy finger bandages

Kids hurt their fingers a lot. You can make an okay bandage with Kling wrap (see Vet Wrap), but if the injury is on a fingertip (a common spot) the cylinder shape you get from rolling doesn’t do as nice a job of protecting or of providing gentle pressure. You can fold over the end, but it gets bulky and inelegant for everyday activities. Tube Gauze is a quick, easy, elegant way to make a stocking cap for your finger or toe. The applicator (sold separately, but you can do without it) is a metal cage that holds the tube of the gauze open. You slide the applicator (or just the gauze) over a finger, lift it up, twist once, and then slide it back down. You can repeat several times to get the thickness of bandage you want. It gives a smooth, flat, elegant bandage — and it’s kinda fun to do. A hit with kids.

-- Alan Greene, MD 01/23/04

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